St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University
«St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S.M. Kirov is a State non-profit organization established for achieving educational, scientific, social, cultural and management goals in order to meet spiritual and other immaterial needs of citizens in education, as well as for other purposes, aimed at achieving public goods.
St. Petersburg State Forestry University is a source of manpower for the forestry industry and related parts of the world economy, trained for further development and prosperity of the society.
The mission of the St. Petersburg State Forestry University is to provide a high professional level, the formation of civil and moral qualities of an individual in global educational, scientific and information field and dynamically changing labor market requirements.
The main objectives of the university are:
- to satisfy individual’s needs in intellectual, cultural and moral development through the acquisition of higher and postgraduate professional education, as well as additional professional education;
- to meet the society and state needs in qualified specialists with higher and secondary professional education, in highly-qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel;
- to develop sciences and arts by means of scientific research and creative activity of scientific and pedagogical workers and students using the obtained results in the educational process;
- to train, retrain and advanced training of workers with higher education, highly-qualified scientific and pedagogical workers, managers and specialists in university profile;
- to preserve and augment moral, cultural and scientific values of the society;
- to educate the patriotism, love and respect for people, national traditions and spiritual heritage of Russia, careful attitudes towards the university reputation among the students ;
- to form students’ civil position, ability to work and live in modern civilization and democracy conditions;
- to disseminate the knowledge among the population and to raise people’s educational and cultural level.
The subject of the university activity is:
- to realize the basic educational programs of secondary professional, higher professional, postgraduate professional education, additional professional education programs in accordance with Federal state educational standards, Federal state requirements.
In order to implement these educational programs, the university is guided by the corresponding model provisions concerning educational institutions and the present Charter; - to conduct fundamental and applied scientific researches and projects on the university profile in accordance with the thematic plan of the scientific-technical researches, implemented at the Federal budget expense;
- to carry out advanced training and professional retraining of specialists with higher professional education, highly-qualified pedagogical and scientific staff.
The priorities of SPbSFU strategic development are:
- The development of SPbSFU as a higher educational institution of:
- the research type presupposing advanced development of scientific researches and their determining influence on the educational process content;
- the innovative type assuming an innovative approach to all spheres of the university activity and ensuring its sustainable development, including the effective integration of scientific, productive and educational components in the innovation system;
- satisfying human needs in education, individual’s harmonious development and creative abilities, transfer of advanced knowledge as capital.
- Integrating scientific and educational activities in perspective scientific and educational areas developing the knowledge and preserving university traditions.
- Using scientific potential of the University’s leading scientists for accelerated development of the forestry complex production.
- Providing extended reproduction of intellectual potential and intellectual product.
- Priority of fundamental education, combined with flexible adaptation to the dynamically changing requirements of the world economy, state, society and a person.
- Continuous improvement of the quality of educational, scientific and supporting processes.
- Developing a continuous and open education widely using modern educational methods.
- University’s activity on the Russian and international markets providing educational services and scientific products.
- Creation of a modern technical base for students and workers meeting the requirements of the modern society.
- Formation of required competences, personal qualities, values and motivation of the graduates, ensuring high competitiveness in the world labor market.