Eastern European University Association
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod
Year found: 1916
Legal form State
Country Russia
City Nizhniy Novgorod

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (UNN) is one of the biggest universities in Russia. It was established in 1916.

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (UNN) consists of 5 institutes – Institute of International Relations and World History (IIRWH), Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship (IEE), Institute of Biology and Biomedicine, Institute for Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies and Institute of Military Training – as well as 14 faculties – those of Chemistry, Radio physics, Physics, Mechanics and Mathematics, Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Philology, Law, Social Sciences, Physical Education and Sports, Preparatory Faculty, Faculty for Regional Personnel Training, Minor Academy of Public Administration and Advanced School of General and Applied Physics.

UNN has a close collaboration with the Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences (NNSC RAS). State University is a member of the European University Association (EUA).

More than 1,000 UNN students and staff were trained in the best European universities during the implementation of 21 Tempus projects.

State University of Nizhni Novgorod is carrying out 7 innovative scientific projects supported by the Government of the Russian Federation to establish world class research laboratories, develop promising scientific fields, involve students in scientific research and encourage them to develop projects from an idea to a business.

In 2014 UNN installed a powerful supercomputer named Lobachevsky at the Research Institute for Applied Mathematics and Cybernatics. The peak performance of Lobachevsky is 570 Tflops: this makes it the third most powerful supercomputer in Russia and one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world.

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod includes Fundamental Library (its collections number 2,200,000 volumes), Innovation Technology Centre, University Press and printing house and 5 museums: Zoological Museum (included in the top 5 university zoological museums in Russia), Archaeological Museum, Ethnographic Museum, UNN History Museum with an Art Gallery, and Nizhni Novgorod Radio Laboratory Museum.

UNN created a network of universities to develop the cooperation between the European Union and the Volga Federal District of Russia in a wide range of fields. 100 universities of the Volga Federal District of Russia engage in collaboration in the field of Information and Communication Technologies. 11 universities have joined the development of common educational environment. 10 universities are involved in the cooperation with the EU to provide infrastructural support for innovation.

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod has forged successful partnerships with 95 universities and educational centres worldwide since 1991, when the closed city was opened up. International cooperation has resulted in the unique programmes – Russian-French University and Russian-Italian University. The latter programme was twice included in Russia-Italy Joint Action Plan. Students graduate with diplomas from two educational institutions in two countries.

Prof. Roman G. Strongin is the President of UNN and Head of Software Department. Doctor of Sciences in Physics & Mathematics, Roman G. Strongin is an Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation and holder of awards from the President of Russian Federation and government of Nizhny Novgorod.

Prof. Roman G. Strongin is the head of the Rector Council of Higher Education Institutions of the Volga Federal District and that of Nizhny Novgorod region. He is Doctor of Sciences Honoris Causa at London Metropolitan University.

Prof. Evgeny V. Chuprunov, Doctor of Sciences in Physics & Mathematics, is the current Rector of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod.

Nizhny Novgorod

The city that has kept its spirit of old times. Anyone who happens to walk along the streets of Nizhny Novgorod seems to be carried a hundred years ago. Narrow lanes with wooden houses perfectly fit into a modern megalopolis. Landmark of the city — Bolshaya Pokrovskaya street — is a multi-kilometer pedestrian zone that leads to the centre of Nizhny Novgorod — the Kremlin. Fortress walls stretch for two kilometers. There is the highest embankment situated there — with a beautiful view of the confluence of two great rivers — the Volga and the Oka, on two banks of which the amazing city is settled. The gorgeous landscape is impressive.

Nizhny Novgorod is the only ancient city in Russia, founded by an orthodox Saint. It appeared in 1221 in a remarkably beautiful place due to Faithful Saint Grand Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich. Until now magnificent cathedrals, monasteries, convents and churches are the main landmarks of the city. The domes glisten in the sun and clear sounds of bells delight residents of Nizhny Novgorod and its guests. 


  • Located at the confluence of the Volga and the Oka rivers
  • Inhabited since 13th century
  • Population of 1,3 million, 5th most populous city in Russia
  • 4-hour railway trip from Moscow
  • Historic centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Top IT industry nationwide
  • Houses largest Intel R&D Center in Europe
  • Over 30 educational and research institutions




Bachelor Degree programms 

Economics, Finance

Economics in English
World Economy


Finance and Credit. Accounting
Economics, International Business and Entrepreneurship
World Economy and International Communication

Business Informatics
Analytics and Information Technology in Application to Decision-making in Economy and Business

Organization Management

Human Resource Management (Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship)
Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management(Faculty of Social Sciences)
Personnel Management in an Organization

Retail and Foodservice Management
State and Municipal Government
State and Municipal Administration


International Relations, Tourism, History

International Relations in English

International Relations
International Relations and Diplomacy

Political Science
Political Relations, Processes and Institutions

Foreign Regional Studies
Politics, Economics and Culture of the Foreign Regions

Advertising and Public Relations (Faculty of Filology)
Advertising and Public Relations in Commercial Sphere
Advertising and Public Relations in the System of State and Municipal Management

Advertising and Public Relations (Institute of International Relations and World History)
Advertising and Public Relations in Politics and Commerce

Тourism (Institute of International Relations and World History)
International and Business Tourism

Hotel Business
Hospitality Management and Arrangement of Business Events

World History and History of Russia

Information Technology

Fundamental Informatics and Information Technology in English

Information Systems and Technologies (Faculty of Physics)
Information Systems and Technologies in Physics Research

Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technology (Institute of Information Technology, Mathematics and Mechanics)
Software engineering

Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technology (Faculty of Radiophysics)
Information Systems and Technology

Applied Mathematics and Informatics
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Mathematics

Applied Informatics (Institute of Information Technology, Mathematics and Mechanics)
Applied Informatics in Decision-Making
Applied Informatics in the Information Environment

Applied Informatics (Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship)
Applied Informatics in Economics

Software engineering
Development of Software and Information Systems

Electronics, Nanotechnology

Electronics and Nanoelectronics
Solid-State Electronics and Nanoelectronics

Nanotechnology and Microsystems Engineering
Materials of Micro-and Nanosystems Engineering


Chemistry and Materials Chemistry


Biology, Ecology

Molecular Biology and Immunology

Ecology and Management of Natural Resources



Solid-State Electronics and Nanoelectronics


Russian Philology
Foreign Philology


Book Publishing

Social Sciences

General and Applied Psychology


Social Theory and Complex Data Analysis

Social work

Organization of Social Work with Different Groups of Population

Mathematics, Mechanics

General Specialisation

Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling
Mathematical Modeling and Computer Engineering

Physics, Radiophysics

Fundamental Radiophysics
Radiophysics and Electronics

Crystal Physics
Theoretical Physics
Physics of Engineered Materials: Metals, Alloys, Ceramics


International Law
Civil Law
Criminal Law and Forensic Science

Records Management and Archivistics
Document Support for Management


Sports, Rehabilitation and Health

Management and Economics in the field of physical education and sports

Physical Education for Persons with Disabilities in the State of Health (Adaptive Physical Education)
Physical Rehabilitation
Adaptive Physical Recreation


Specialist degree

 Specialist degree


Specialist degree


Customs Fees and Currency Regulation

Economic security
Financial and Legal Support of Economic Security


Fundamental and Applied Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry

Social Sciences

Psychology of Service Activities
Psychological Support for Service activities in Extreme Conditions


Forensic Examination
Forensic Expert Examination
Economic Expert Examination
Linguistic Expert Examination

Legal Support of National Security
Criminal Law
Civil Law



Medical biochemistry
Medical biophysics
Medical cybernetics


Mathematics and Mechanics

Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics
Fundamental Mechanics and Application




Master degree programms

Economics, Finance

Accounting, Analysis and Audit
International Economics
Economics of Companies and Corporations

Business Informatics
Analysis and Optimization of Business Process

Finance and Credit
Financial Monitoring
Corporate and State Finance
Finance and Credit Organizations

International Relations, Tourism, History

International Relations
World Politics
World politics and International law
International Tourism and Cultural Diplomacy

Political Science

Theory of World Political Process and International Relations 
Political Relations and Political Process in Modern Russia
Public Relations in Global Politics and Culture

Foreign Regional Studies
European Studies
Studies of Regions in Asia and Africa

Hospitality and tourism business (Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship)
International tourism and cultural diplomacy (Institute of International Relations and World History)

History of Russia
New and Contemporary History
History of Russian Regions and Ethnic Groups
History of the Ancient World and Middle Ages: Problems of Complex Source Studies
Information Technology in Historical Research


Historical culture

Information Technology

Information Systems and Technologies
Information Systems and Technologies in Research

Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technology (Institute of Information Technologies, Mathematics & Mechanics)
Software Engineering
Computer Graphics and Modeling of Living and Technical Systems

Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technology (Faculty of Radiophysics)
Analysis of the Quality of Information Systems
Automation of Research
Information Security and Data Protection
Information Theory

Applied Mathematics and Informatics
Mathematical Modeling of the Dynamics of Systems and Management Processes
Computational Methods and Supercomputer Technology
Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Mechanical Processes
Computer Science and Applications

Applied Informatics (Institute of Information Technologies, Mathematics Mechanics)
Applied Informatics in Decision-Making

Applied Informatics (Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship)
Internet Marketing and Web Technology


Management in English

Business Development Management

Human Resource Management (Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship)
Strategic Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Personnel Management in an Organization

State and Municipal Government
State and Municipal Administration

Biology, Ecology

Invertebrate Zoology
Vertebrate Zoology
Human and Animal Physiology
Plant Physiology
Molecular Biology and Immunology 
Microbiology and Virology 

Ecology and Management of Natural Resources
General ecology


Analytical Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Macromolecular Compounds Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Solid State Chemistry
High Energy Chemistry
Mathematical and Quantum Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry and Safety, Chemical Expertise

Chemical Engineering
Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Substances and Materials

Physics, Radiophysics, Electronics

Nonlinear Oscillations and Waves
Statistical Radiophysics
Electromagnetic Waves in Media
Physical Electronics
Quantum Radiophysics and Laser Physics
Information Processes and Systems
Computer Radiophysics
Radiophysical Methods in Medicine and Ecology

Crystal Physics
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Physics of Engineered Materials: Metals, Alloys, Ceramics
Physics Teaching Methods 

Electronics and Nanoelectronics 
Solid-State Electronics and Nanoelectronics

Mathematics, Mechanics

Mathematics and Computer Science in English

Fundamental Mathematics and Application

Mathematics and Computer Science
Mathematical and Computer Modeling in Natural Sciences

Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling
Data Support and Software Engineering


Theory of Journalism
International Journalism
Popular Science Journalism

Russian Language
Russian as a Foreign Language
Slavic Philology
Russian Literature
Foreign Philology
Applied Philology
Literature of the Peoples of Foreign Countries
Ancient Literature

Social Sciences

Psychology (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Organizational Psychology
Psychological Сounselling
Modern Psychological Techniques in power structures

Psychology (Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship)
Psychology of Personality

Sociology of Culture
Management Sociology
Economic Sociology
Family Sociology and Demography

Social Work
Organization of Social Work with Different Groups of Population

Social philosophy



Legal Regulation of State and Municipal Government
Legal Support of National Security
Legal Regulations of Civilian Transactions and Protection of Entrepreneurship
International Law - Business Perspective



Management and Economics in Physical Education and Sports

International students live in a comfortable dormitory, which is situated on the UNN campus in immediate neighbourhood of the city centre. International students live in 3-bedded rooms, equipped with the necessary furniture and bedding. All rooms in the student dormitory have Internet access points. Lavatories, washrooms and kitchens are located on each floor. There are also classrooms on each floor of the student dormitory. There is also a student canteen, grocery stores, banks and a sport complex nearby. Round-the-clock security is provided for maximum safety of the students. Standard accommodation costs 6360 roubles per semester.


International students take an active part in the life of the University: together with Russian students they perform in concerts, organize students’ parties, participate in contests, festivals and sport events, they are represented in the Student Council of the University.

All this gives international students a great opportunity to make friends all around the world, to learn the cultural peculiarities of a new country, provides them with the skills necessary for their future professional career in the globalizing world.
The Faculty for International Students actively participates in the activities of the International Students Club of Nizhni Novgorod, it also cooperates with various organizations and governing bodies in the framework of international students support programmes.

The Student Council of the Faculty for International Students encourages international students’ self-actualization. Its main task is to raise the social role of international students and their activity in the educational, scientific and social life of both the Faculty and the University.

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